Wow. This year has brought so many awesome new things. The Guide to Nerdfighting, vlogging, Twitter, my AMAZING new NF friends, graduation from university, starting a new degree, moving to another province, converting to Mac, new collab channels too! Clive's Angels, and Wednesdays on 7NerdsAPlenty, I could go on forever I'm sure. I'm about to leave for the land of the disconnected, but I wanted to get some of those things down so I can look at them in the future. I feel like so many of the great new things that came this year will continue to be a major part of my life in the future and I am so excited.
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Thursday, December 31, 2009
About Me

- Meg Norris
- Haligonian. Herbivore. North Ender. Drinker of fine coffees and locally crafted microbrews. Social media freelancer by day, serving up delicious vegan grub by night.
ok, now you're just starting to piss me off! you're stealing my thoughts, and NOW you even have the nerve to put those thoughts down more succinctly in your blog than i did in my blog! dammit, Meg!
...ok. no, i actually still think you're ridiculously awesome.
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