Thursday, December 31, 2009

Au revoir 2009.

Wow. This year has brought so many awesome new things. The Guide to Nerdfighting, vlogging, Twitter, my AMAZING new NF friends, graduation from university, starting a new degree, moving to another province, converting to Mac, new collab channels too! Clive's Angels, and Wednesdays on 7NerdsAPlenty, I could go on forever I'm sure. I'm about to leave for the land of the disconnected, but I wanted to get some of those things down so I can look at them in the future. I feel like so many of the great new things that came this year will continue to be a major part of my life in the future and I am so excited.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

aother assisnment - reflecting on progression

video version here.

the beginning—relaxed, settling in.

hanging by the poolside, not getting wet just yet.

gaining comfort, easing in;

so many eager faces.

first reflecting on my own education,

then moving from robert munsch to paulo freire.

first look at the real thing;

putting my toes in the water, no big deal.

finding what works, what i like.

gaining new ideas—this is pretty great

envisioning these ideas in my own class

and reflecting; is this something i can see myself doing?

creating our own ideas,

wading into the shallow end.

experimenting, like throwing a dart,

a little more pressure, will it hit the target?

feeling of accomplishment, positive feedback, gaining confidence,

reflection: maybe i can do this.

reflecting on the semester,

diving into the deep end.

it's the big one. the real test.

like a boss in a video game

or a mountain i feel ill-prepared to climb.

confidence back to zero, it's november.

the pressure is getting the best of me

trying to stay afloat, but not doing so well.

feeling a lot less motivated,

procrastinating as long as i can

complete my draft, completely unsatisfied

reflection: this happens every year. i can get past this.

feeling more motivated

i dive in and finish the course

i don't think i've got it all figured out

but i am back on track. hoping for the best

success brings motivation. reflection: i can do this.

feeling good again, goodbye november.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Part 2

The climax

The heat of the fire travels through the pipes until they begin to melt. The walls that separate reality and desire burn quickly. No longer dividers, but a series of passageways. Not long now until they disappear.

The pipes give in to the flames. The fire within and the surrounding flames collide. Two souls intertwined, embraced by heat and passion. The walls have turned to dust—a cremation of the past.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

it's all just a series of obsessions.

so exciting, consuming.
we strive for this new excitement to become regular.
the consistency--exhilarating. we want it to last forever.
the realization,
when the regular becomes the usual
is a difficult one.
we don't want to see it go, but won't work to make it stay.
moving on.
change is a fucker.

Friday, November 27, 2009

masked by metaphors.

mass burn

the fire came unannounced

sparked on the hearth

spread without inhibition

pulsing through the halls until the entire body was engulfed.



will the poet’s tenants die?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What kind of Nerdfighter am I?

Haha... awesome!

What Type of Nerdfighter are You?
Your Result: You are a Music-type Nerdfighter

You are a #1 fan of Hank's Wednesdays! You probably lurk about in My Pants looking at the chords for his songs. But, of course, you're always playing your own as well!

You are a Writing-type Nerdfighter
You are a Games-type Nerdfighter
You are a Science-type Nerdfighter
You are a Nerdfighter In Denial
What Type of Nerdfighter are You?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz


Monday, October 19, 2009

Crazy little thing called awesome.

Greetings Earthilings.
Since my last post there has been a lot of progress on The Guide to Nerdfighting project :) We've been having meetings and making decisions about content, money issues, and logistics, and we're all super excited. We plan on having the submission guidelines up very soon on the
and we will be accepting submissions from November 1st to December 18th :) I can't wait to see what everyone come up with!
It's going to be bursting with awesome. Short post today, I just wanted to say that before I go off to write more papers (boo!)
Peace :)

ugh. my once signature phrase is now ruined because of the number of douchebags who say "peace" and don't mean it and don't live it or even believe in it. fml.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Forecast: Sunny with a chance of Nerdfighter book!!

Good evening folks! Wow it's been too long since I have made a post. Also, I only have one other entry on this account... and it makes me look like a complete lunatic. In fact, I kind of forgot about this account but I just found a few blogs that I want to follow and had to sign in to do so, so here I am!

I'm super excited about a Nerdfighter forum I just found. A group of Nerdfighters want to create a book (perhaps physical, perhaps digital) that would be like a guide to Nerdfighteria and everything about it, or a collection of anecdotes and cartoons etc. contributed by Nerdfighters. Or perhaps both. I'm excited to see where this project goes!

I started working on my Bachelor of Education a few weeks ago, and so far I love it! My colleagues are fantastic and so supportive, and I think it is because you really have to be a certain kind of person to want to be a teacher. So far no selfish bitches, haha.

We've been talking a lot about perspectives and it's so amazing to think about just how many different perspectives, backgrounds, lifestyles, family situations, cultural identities, exceptionalities, etc. that can exist in a single classroom. I recently read about a student whose parents had no idea what he was capable of just because he was quiet and they thought he had no interest in most things. When given the opportunity to use imagination and creativity in the classroom he blew everyone away. I think as teachers, parents, members of a community, etc. we have to let youth express themselves in their own creative ways. If they don't get the opportunity to be imaginative, and come up with their own ideas and develop their imagination, than they might never discover a hidden passion, we might never see the things we never imagined they are capable of, and they may never realize their full potential.

Allow them the freedom to do their own thing, use imagination, and pursue their own passions. Even if it means modifying what you might want them to do. We shouldn't ever try to make them fit our moulds. There are only so many opportunities inside the box. Outside, the possibilities are endless.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Haha, if you want to call it that. I'm not really sure inspiration is the word, however. My roommate's annoying habits have driven me to the point of blogging. Have you ever had a friend or met anyone who has an insane need to try everything new as soon as it gets into the house? For example, the other day I bought a new pen and I was like "Hey, check out my sweet new pen." and she was all like "OH MY GOD I HAVE TO TRY IT NOW!" yoink. Obviously, not a big deal, but that just the kind of girl she is. For the first six months of living with her, I basically overlooked the issue, no use making a big deal out of nothing. But then she started losing my things. And taking over bigger more expensive things, like my new Wii. This is boiled over in my head today when Rock Band for Wii came in the mail this morning. She was already on campus, so I texted her and said "rock band came this morning :)" then I went into class. When I got out of class 50 minutes later, I had a text back saying "OH MY GOD I'M GOING HOME TO PLAY FOR A WHILE!" even though this is the time that we always meet up for lunch, it just goes without saying as we have the next class together. Now, I really don't mind other people playing my games at all, I bought it for all of us. But the fact that she blew me off to go home before I even get the chance to remove the plastic wrap to play the game (even though I put it in my room because she'll probably go snooping and find it) really just pissed me off. Like if she would have asked, I would have said yes. I don't understand why some people don't feel that they need to ask permission to use another person's things. On a side note, she has lost my favorite scarf (scarves are a big deal in our little world) that was given to me as a gift, and I am constantly seeing my foundation, mascara, toothpaste, etc. in her makeup basket. WHY I ask you, WHY!?

Okay, I suppose I am finished with this childish rant, but I'm still pissed and bitter. And I really hate feeling angry :(