Sunday, January 24, 2010

Skeletons. Sometimes I Fuck Up.

So today a friend of mine told me that she read my blog and was worried that my super pissy/annoyed/stupid first post was about her. It wasn't. And I told her that. But that got me thinking about why I posted it in the first place. I was going to take it down, but I decided not to. I was obviously still really pissed off when I wrote it. And it would have been more appropriate in a diary.

But it got me thinking, why did that anger me so much? If the friend who was concerned I was talking about her had done it, it wouldn't have bothered me at all. I wouldn't have even thought anything of it. I probably would have thought "Oh, sweet! She unlocked new songs for me! Yusss!" But it wasn't her. It was someone who already annoyed me in the first place.

Then I started thinking about how people that annoy me can do nothing right in my mind. Whether it's the clothes they're wearing, the music they listen to, the opinions the vocalize, the way the speak, they way they walk, the way their hair just looks so 2002. *sigh* And not only am I horrible for thinking this way, the worst part is that if it was me or someone that I like doing exactly the same thing, it wouldn't bother me at all. I would shrug it off as 'everyone has an off day". I. am. SUCH a hypocrite.

I know I'm not the only person like this, but it really bothers me that I am this way. I know I can't help if certain people just bother me, sometimes for good reason, sometimes for completely invalid and superficial reasons, but I CAN help how I think of those people.

I'm sorry for being awful sometimes. I am only human. I hope you'll all still be friends with me. I promise I don't think of YOU in that way. :)



Chelsea said...

you know what? some people are really freaking annoying. and it makes you hate their stupid face.
i'm like that with my upstairs neighbor. i just can't stand him! i even hate that he's gay! but if one of my friends started dressing like him, i wouldn't mind. and so on.
but you're not a bad person for being annoyed by someone. that was just like, the hundredth thing that she did that annoyed you. so it's understandable.

Sam said...

You have nothing to fear Meg its only in the second reading that I realise fully what you mean. You are right you can help how you feel about these people and that knowlage sets you apart from many who can't make that objective connection. Knowing that allows you to either accept or reject how you feel about someone as either legitimate or a product of your own predudices. Also don't feel bad for having them we all do just recognise them for what they are. You are only human like the rest of us, and I don't think we'd having it any other way :)

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